Saturday, July 21, 2007

Κριτικές ταινιών δοσμένες με χιούμορ, ειρωνεία αλλά και αυστηρότητα

License To Wed (2007)

Robin Williams has made so many one-star comedies that it's impossible to keep count at this point. But rest assured that there's a multiplex in hell that screens them on a perpetual loop.
Matt Brunson, Creative Loafing

If for any reason your wife or girlfriend - or both - try to drag you to this thing, break up with them instead. It would be less painful.
Pete Hammond, Maxim

"I hereby pronounce you a flop."
Kyle Smith, New York Post

Forget about Saw, Hostel and all the other films in the new, notorious torture-porn genre. If you're looking for a really sick movie, check out License to Wed.
Liam Lacey, Globe and Mail

There's bad, there's awful and there's horrible, and then somewhere beyond that, in its own Kingdom of Lousy -- where all the milk curdles and the jokes aren't funny -- is License to Wed.
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

Wild Hogs (2007)

The "gay panic" humor is so rampant that it's reasonable to wonder if cast and crew members wrapped each shooting day by beating up a homosexual off-screen.
Matt Brunson, Creative Loafing

If you listen closely, you can hear your brain cells fizzling.
Peter Canavese, Groucho Reviews

A humiliating medley of ghastly slapstick stunts. Walt Becker is the author of this nonsense. He ought to be sued.
James Christopher, Times [UK]

Travolta has occasionally gotten down in slop like this before. Allen and Lawrence practically live there. But Macy, the guy from Fargo and Magnolia and Seabiscuit? Say it ain't so, Bill.
Eleanor Ringel Gillespie, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Norbit (2007)

Norbit is not a thriller, action film or suspense story. Still, it achieves the assassination of comedy.
David Elliott, San Diego Union-Tribune

It's a thoughtless, cancerous, viral, irresponsible pollution whose existence speaks ill of the society that produced it and of any society that would endorse or defend it.
Walter Chaw, Film Freak Central

Norbit is so bad, it has redefined my concept of Hell.
Mark Dujsik, Mark Reviews Movies

Surely some humanitarian organization will recognize the selflessness with which Murphy has taken three of the movie's major roles, thus saving two other actors from a nasty black mark on their resumes.
Sam Adams, Los Angeles Times

The Astronaut Farmer (2007)

The cinematic equivalent of lasagna -- plot ground up with meat, characters that lay there like limp noodles and the whole thing slathered in cheese.
Kevin Carr, 7M Pictures

The perfect film for all those delusional, self-entitled American Idol rejects...darn it, this is America, where any man can lead a horse around his ranch in a spacesuit...
Peter Canavese, Groucho Reviews

The rare film that can make you question your own sanity, but The Astronaut Farmer is so lacking in plausibility, explanation, motivation and physical science that you start to ask: Is it me? Rest assured: It's them.
John Anderson, Newsday

Look, there's Bruce Willis, an old astronaut buddy from Farmer's aeronautics-training days! No, Mission Control, this isn't Armageddon. Ben Affleck is nowhere in sight...
Amy Biancolli, Houston Chronicle

Failure to Launch (2006)

There's nothing here a good dose of Viagra couldn't cure. Impotent and dull as dishwater.
David N. Butterworth,

Once again, Matthew McConaughey creates an aura, a force-field of unfunniness. A man-sized block of Unfunny Kryptonite from the Planet Unfunny, killing off all the funny within a 1,000-yard radius.
Peter Bradshaw, Guardian [UK]

Valentine (2001)

Not only is it deadly dull, but the killer actually courts the audience's sympathy.
James Berardinelli, ReelViews

The only reason to see this atrocity is if you want your significant other to terminate the relationship because of your terrible taste in films.
Rod Armstrong,

Frankly, the killer here is doing all of us a favor: eliminate the slow and stupid before they reproduce.
MaryAnn Johanson, Flick Filosopher

Relentless in its pursuit of suspenseless mediocrity, Valentine succeeds only in boring you to death, the most horrifying fate of all.
Marjorie Baumgarten, Austin Chronicle

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:27 PM  
Blogger relative_stranger said...

Το ευχαριστιέμαι που τα θάβουν όλα αυτά...
Το αξίζουν για να την κόψει επιτέλους το hollywood τη μ@λ@κί@. Αν σταματούσαμε κι εμείς να την επικροτούμε...

2:20 PM  
Blogger Attalanti said...

Έχω δει μόνο το τελευταίο και κοιμήθηκα στο τελευταίο μισάωρο :)

11:06 PM  

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